Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dreams and Valor


This is a story about a dream, a dream about valor. A dream about honoring those of valor.  A dream of seeking for the best of life.

The very old oak trees sheltered the podium.   The podium was one set with flag covered caskets, flags of many nations.  The usher helped begin the procession of many who were there to honor these people. 

The people who were being honored had done their best to climb the heights of life.   The dream was about mountain climbers who had lost their lives in their pursuit of the highest mountain peak.

Flag covered caskets.  Flag covered caskets on a stage.

The many were women in white and men in dark blue with gold buttons.  The many came to pay tribute to the dead.   The usher wondered, were the many paying tribute to the dead or the dead’s attempt for attainment to a higher purpose. 

The usher wondered if this was the meaning of valor and bravery.  Men and women who pushed the limits of life instead of accepting the daily life routine.  Valor is also used to describe the men and woman who have died for a cause. 

The many, the women in white and the men in blue paraded through the oak trees and paid tribute to the flag draped caskets.  The many were accompanied by gold and silver doves.   A lovely tribute.  The usher had helped prepare the multitude for the doves.

The dream ended with the usher sitting on the beach, smelling the sea air and wondering about valor.   A gold dove sat on his shoulder.   The usher thought, there is valor also in those who fight the daily war of life itself.   The dove winked and flew away. 

Those that climb the mountains or die in war should be and are honored accordingly.  The ushers, the Everyman need to be honored as well.

My dream and one man’s opinion.

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